The I.P.A. - The largest police organization in the world - was set up on 1 January 1950. From then has their slogan "Servo per Amikeco" (Serve through Friendship) reaches more people than held for possible. Now adds the association for more than a quarter of a million members. National Sections exist in 59 countries around the world and we have witnessed a steady growth of what is considered the largest police organization of the world, both in numbers and influence. The Association was founded in the fifties as a policeman of Lincolnshire in England, Arthur Troop, wanted to create a channel where friendship and international cooperation between international police was central. His idea of an association with development of social, cultural and professional level, in an environment free of discrimination in matters of rank, sex, race, color, language or religion, was reality. Small begun held the I.P.A. message prior and new sections around the world were formed. Soon there were sections in most of Western Europe, Africa, America (North and South) Asia and Australia. The political changes in Eastern Europe have ensured that there were police at the club. The fundamental ideas of Arthur Troop stand until today.